The cultural taboo around eating horse is one reason why the public has had such a negative reaction to the news that certain European suppliers have been shipping beef contaminated with horsemeat. 某些欧洲供应商销售掺有马肉的牛肉的新闻之所以会引发公众的强烈谴责,其中一个原因在于吃马肉这个文化禁忌。
The official one of only a handful of aides who were aware of the visit in advance said the Abe camp hoped that the progress on the base issue would temper any negative reaction from Washington. 这名官员是少数提前知道参拜行动的助手之一,他说,安倍晋三的阵营希望美军基地问题的进展能够缓和华盛顿方面的任何负面反应。
Plainly discussing topics that might prompt a negative reaction from a coworker or worse, a boss not only takes courage, it's usually most successful when the whole firm, from top to bottom, is committed to doing it. 坦诚地讨论可能引起同事、(甚至更糟糕的是引起)老板负面反应的问题,需要的不仅仅是勇气。如果整个公司能够自上而下坚持这种做法,往往能取得最大的效果。
The next day I told a friend about his announcement and my negative reaction to it. 第二天,我把丈夫的话和自己的消极反应告诉了一个朋友。
Investors 'negative reaction to the plans for a$ 700bn government fund to buy toxic assets from banks and Morgan Stanley's Japanese gambit underline the fragile state of the US economy and its banking sector. 对于用7000亿美元政府基金购买不良资产的计划,以及摩根士丹利寻求日本公司注资的举措,投资者呈现负面回应,这突出了美国经济和银行系统的脆弱状态。
Prevention and Intervention of Negative Reaction of Higher Vocational Students 'Frustration Psychology 高职学生挫折心理的消极反应及预防和干预
The negative reaction overwhelmed what was supposed to be upbeat day Wednesday for Apple. 这个消极的行动打击了对于苹果来说应该是欢乐的一天。
A secondary disease, an accident, or a negative reaction occurring during the course of an illness and usually aggravating the illness. 并发症在一种疾病的进程中发生的第二种病症、情况或负作用,它往往使前者进一步恶化。
The easiest manifestation to deal with becausethe negative reaction to changeis immediatelyevident and can be addressed. 这是最容易处理的表现,因为对变革的负面反应迅速变得很明显,能够找出来。
Cats had an even more negative reaction. 然而猫的反应更加激烈。
A survey on parents in community about knowledge of negative reaction after immunization 社区儿童家长预防接种不良反应知识调查
The strength of negative reaction to the article is proof positive that this is a very important issue. 对这篇文章负面反复的强烈程度是说明这是一个重要问题的确凿证据。
Since the majority of canceled projects are troubled projects, terminating a project is perceived as a negative reaction, a last resort that is necessary to prevent further damage. 虽然人们认为中止项目是负面反应,但由于被取消的项目大都是有问题的,总是可以用“避免造成进一步破坏”来做最后的辩解。
A negative outlook on life; a colorless negative personality; a negative evaluation; a negative reaction to an advertising campaign. 对人生消极的看法;消极无味的个性;消极地估计;对广告竞争消极的反应。
A negative reaction to the new advertising campaign. 对新广告的宣传手法持反对立场。
Since then, the negative reaction has risen slightly. Nevertheless, that proportion remains low. 此后,负面反应略有增强,但比例依然不高。
Talk about "connections" to a Westerner, and the odds are good you'll get a negative reaction. 在西方,关系往往就是一个人欠另一个人一个人情这么简单。
At times, all of us may be afraid to share our deepest needs, wants, and feelings because of the negative reaction we might anticipate from others. 时不时,我们每个人都害怕分享最深的需求、渴求和感受,因为我们可能会从别人那里获得消极反应。
When it was mentioned that the service will start in beta by invitation only to a limited number of US users, there were some negative reaction at the back of the keynote room. 该服务将开始提供Beta版,仅邀请少数美国用户参与试用,这一声明立刻让会场后部的关注唏嘘不已。
An involuntary orienting response; positive or negative reaction to a stimulus source. 一种无意识的定向反应;对刺激源的正向或逆向反应。
If at any stage you feel trying an assertive behaviour has not been a success because of somebody else's unexpected negative reaction, or that you somehow slipped in some way, don't lose heart. 如果在任何一个阶段,你感到因为别人做出意料之外的消极反应,或者,你不知怎么地在某个地方犯错,从而尝试一个主张力行为一直都没有成功,不要灰心丧气。
I am still unsure of what all of them are, but I do know that I have a negative reaction to some situations, while I have a positive reaction to others. 我还不确定这到底是什么。我只知道,有时我会做出一些积极回应而有时会选择消极。
Yet markets hardly flinched at the news, with negative reaction mostly contained in Hungary and Ireland. 然而,这些消息昨日几乎未能让市场退缩,消极反应基本止步于匈牙利与爱尔兰国内。
But the negative reaction of fictitious economy must not be neglected, that is, fictitious economy can possibly result in bubble economy. 但需要注意,虚拟经济对实体经济具有副作用,即有可能导致泡沫经济。
It will create a huge negative impact for the ecosystem and other brands may take a negative reaction. 这将给整个生态系统带来巨大的负面影响,并可能引起其他品牌的消极反应。
Their negative reaction can lead to stress for everyone. 别人的消极反应会导致给人人都带来压力。
But tests with a mock-up produced such a negative reaction that the company all but dropped the technology, except for use in military refuelling aircraft. 但是根据样机的测试结果显示,所有的公司对此反应冷淡,除军用空中加油飞机等领域外,都不愿采用此类技术。
Politicians often use personal photos for their Christmas cards, but they can elicit a negative reaction. 政要们通常使用个人照片作为圣诞卡片,但也会招致负面评论。
Objective To analyze the factors causing false positive reaction and false negative reaction of CSEP in spinal operation. 目的分析在脊柱手术监护中CSEP出现假阳性和假阴性的原因。